• By: Lois Ann Abraham
  • Fiction
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A little girl discovers the power of the creative impulse. A woman remembers her first confusing sexual encounter. An aging flower child travels to Mexico to save her daughter. A baby is born with blue feet. A man ponders his ex-wife's last word. Those who live in the pages of CIRCUS GIRL & OTHER STORIES are seeking—wisely or foolishly, successfully or vainly—to make sense of their lives and to become more completely themselves. For some, the self-examined life leads deeper into darkness; others find the crack in their universe that lets the light in.

  • Lois wearing wire rimmed glasses with white hair and blue shirt smiling at the camera
    Ethan Applegarth Studios
  • Lois Ann Abraham grew up in New Mexico in a home rich with books. She attended the University of New Mexico, winning the Freshman Honors prize the first year and dropping out the next. After working as a transportation auditor/consultant, and a brief career as singer-songwriter, she taught literature, creative writing, composition, and grammar at American River College. Tina Goes to Heaven and Circus Girl and Other Stories both were published by Ad Lumen Press. Her latest book is Deborah’s Gift (New Wind).